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按情況 By Condition > 肝/膽囊 Liver/Gall Bladder


Liver/Gall Bladder Formula by Dr Morse

2oz (60 ml)
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose: 肝臟排毒、重造、修護、肝炎、血毒。
Liver detox, rebuild, repair, hepatitis, toxic blood.

成份 Ingredients: ( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生)
Milk Thistle Seed 乳薊種籽、Yellow Dock Root皺葉酸模、Burdock Root牛蒡、Oregon Grape Root十大功勞、Barberry Root小檗、Dandelion Root & Leaf蒲公英、Blue Flag Root鳶尾。

詳細內容 Descriptions: 非常強力的肝/膽囊排毒草本劑,促進肝/膽囊功能、增加膽汁、保護肝臟免受化學物質的傷害、排毒、各類肝炎、肝硬化、黃膽症、膽石、貧血、血毒等。
乳薊:乳薊含很多植物化學因子,其中三種最主要的是 Silibinin、Silydianin 及Silychristin,這三種化學因子通常被其中最主要的兩個功用為刺激甲型核仁聚合物的作用,從而加增核酸醣小體蛋白質的合成,加速修護受傷肝細胞的再生及新細胞的形成。這些化學因子能強化肝臟細胞的表皮及薄膜結構,防止毒素入侵肝臟,包括毒鵝菇。
A strong liver and gallbladder tonic, promotes hepatic functions, increases the production and storage of bile. Protects liver cells from chemical damage. Detoxification, hepatitis A, B, and C (use with the Parasite Formulas), jaundice, cirrhosis, liver and gallbladder stones (Liver/Gallbladder Flush is a must), anemia, toxic blood conditions.
Milk Thistle contains many phytochemicals, three chief ones being silibinin, silydianin and silychristin. These 3 plant chemicals are often collectively referred to as silymarin. There are many ways in which these plant chemicals protect and heal your liver, too many for this catalog. But two main ones are protection and regeneration. The phytochemicals in Milk Thistle actually strengthen the structure of the hepatocytes (liver cells) skin or membrane which prevents the penetration of known liver toxins. These protective chemicals also stimulate the action of the nucleolar polymerase A, resulting in an increase in ribosomal protein synthesis and thus stimulating the regeneration of damaged liver cells and stimulating the formation of new liver cells. These chemicals are so powerful they can even protect you from some of the most lethal poisons on the planet, like death-cap mushrooms. Simply put, ingesting Milk thistle is like putting a protective coating around your current liver cells while it also speeds up repair of damaged cells and building new strong cells.
The yellow dock is an excellent blood cleanser. It is used to stimulate the liver and gallbladder and aid in digestion.
Oregon Grape rootbark and Dandelion root are some of the most bitter plants on the planet and all classic bitter liver tonic herbs. They contain phytochemicals like berberine alkaloids and volatile oils which stimulate the liver to produce more bile which will flush out the bile ducts and gallbladder.
Blue Flag is a positive alternative for chronic conditions because it influences the glandular system, lymphatic, liver and gall ducts, and intestinal glands. It is also useful for treating hepatic congestion due to venous or lymphatic stasis.

用法指引 Directions: 保健用:每日一次,每次兩抽。空肚服用較好。
General: Two dropperfuls once daily preferably between meals.
Liver/Gallbladder Problem: One dropperful three to six times daily.
Liver Detox: Please refer to the note “5 Days Liver Cleansing Program.”

備註 Remarks: Not for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. 不適合孕婦服用。
A dropperful around 30 drops. 每抽約為30滴。

Liver detox, rebuild, repair, hepatitis, toxic blood.
( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生)
Milk Thistle Seed 乳薊種籽、Yellow Dock Root皺葉酸模、Burdock Root牛蒡、Oregon Grape Root十大功勞、Barberry Root小檗、Dandelion Root & Leaf蒲公英、Blue Flag Root鳶尾。
乳薊:乳薊含很多植物化學因子,其中三種最主要的是 Silibinin、Silydianin 及Silychristin,這三種化學因子通常被其中最主要的兩個功用為刺激甲型核仁聚合物的作用,從而加增核酸醣小體蛋白質的合成,加速修護受傷肝細胞的再生及新細胞的形成。這些化學因子能強化肝臟細胞的表皮及薄膜結構,防止毒素入侵肝臟,包括毒鵝菇。
A strong liver and gallbladder tonic, promotes hepatic functions, increases the production and storage of bile. Protects liver cells from chemical damage. Detoxification, hepatitis A, B, and C (use with the Parasite Formulas), jaundice, cirrhosis, liver and gallbladder stones (Liver/Gallbladder Flush is a must), anemia, toxic blood conditions.
Milk Thistle contains many phytochemicals, three chief ones being silibinin, silydianin and silychristin. These 3 plant chemicals are often collectively referred to as silymarin. There are many ways in which these plant chemicals protect and heal your liver, too many for this catalog. But two main ones are protection and regeneration. The phytochemicals in Milk Thistle actually strengthen the structure of the hepatocytes (liver cells) skin or membrane which prevents the penetration of known liver toxins. These protective chemicals also stimulate the action of the nucleolar polymerase A, resulting in an increase in ribosomal protein synthesis and thus stimulating the regeneration of damaged liver cells and stimulating the formation of new liver cells. These chemicals are so powerful they can even protect you from some of the most lethal poisons on the planet, like death-cap mushrooms. Simply put, ingesting Milk thistle is like putting a protective coating around your current liver cells while it also speeds up repair of damaged cells and building new strong cells.
The yellow dock is an excellent blood cleanser. It is used to stimulate the liver and gallbladder and aid in digestion.
Oregon Grape rootbark and Dandelion root are some of the most bitter plants on the planet and all classic bitter liver tonic herbs. They contain phytochemicals like berberine alkaloids and volatile oils which stimulate the liver to produce more bile which will flush out the bile ducts and gallbladder.
Blue Flag is a positive alternative for chronic conditions because it influences the glandular system, lymphatic, liver and gall ducts, and intestinal glands. It is also useful for treating hepatic congestion due to venous or lymphatic stasis.
General: Two dropperfuls once daily preferably between meals.
Liver/Gallbladder Problem: One dropperful three to six times daily.
Liver Detox: Please refer to the note “5 Days Liver Cleansing Program.”
Not for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. 不適合孕婦服用。
A dropperful around 30 drops. 每抽約為30滴。

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