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健品園地 Health Supplement

按情況 By Condition > 抑鬱/神智系統失調 Depression/Mental Disorder


Depression Formula by Dr. Morse

2oz ( 60 ml)
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose: 抑鬱、憂慮、失眠、其它心智及神經性系統。
Depression, anxiety, insomnia, other mental & nervous system.

成份 Ingredients: ( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生)
Scullcap Herb美黄岑、Ginkgo Leaf銀杏、St. Johns Wort Herbs & Flower貫葉金絲桃、Gotu Kola Herb可拉樹、Astragalus Root北耆、Schisandra Berry五味子、Kelp海草、Siberian Ginseng Root西伯利亞人蔘、Chinese Shih Chich Ginseng東方人參、Prickly Ash Bark花椒。

詳細內容 Descriptions: 抑鬱、憂慮、混亂、短或長期失憶、痴呆症、失眠等。
西伯利亞人蔘能改善及平衡神經系統中非常重要的神經傳遞介質,於動物實驗中顯示西伯利亞人蔘有單胺氧化瓷抑制劑 (用來治療抑鬱及柏金遜症的西藥) 的作用,西伯利亞人蔘可改善抑鬱症病患者有清醒的頭腦。
Depression, anxiety, confusion, short- and long-term memory loss, alzheimer’s, dementia, & sleep disorders.
Scullcap has tonic, nervine, and antispasmodic action, relaxes the nervous system and muscles, and may help with hysteria, convulsions, hydrophobia, nervous headaches, neuralgia, asthma, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, pain, insomnia, relieving nervous tension and inducing sleep.
Ginkgo has become famous for increasing memory and has been used effectively with Alzheimer’s Disease patients. According to the American Medical Association, Ginkgo stops and even reverses symptoms of dementia. Ginko has also proven itself effective for depression and most all other emotional problems. Recent medical discoveries have proven that depression and many mental disorders are rooted in poor brain circulation. The cells of the brain are not nourished and their waste is not being removed, causing congestion, toxemia and poor brain function. Ginkgo is famous in its ability to increase blood and oxygen to the brain.
St. John's Wort is a medicinal herb that has been used for centuries to treat depression. Its use for depression has been supported by clinical studies in recent years. A study published in a recent issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) has raised doubt about the effectiveness of St. John's Wort. Millions of Americans take St. Johns Wort to help relieve stress, symptomatic anxiety and depression related emotional disturbances. In Europe, St. Johns Wort is prescribed twice as often as standard antidepressants to help relieve conditions such as: anxiety, depression, stress, nervousness, insomnia.
Gotu Kola is an herb commonly used in the Ayurvedic system of medicine traditionally as a nerve tonic to improve memory and clarity of thinking, for the therapy of anxiety and depression.
Schisandra Berry effectively treats depression, headache, dizziness, fatigue, visual problems and insomnia.
Siberian ginseng improves the balance of important neurotransmitters (including serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine) in the brain. In studies using laboratory animals, Siberian ginseng has been shown to act as an MAO inhibitor. In people with depression, the herb helps improve their sense of well-being.

用法指引 Directions: 每日三至六次,每次一抽。空肚服用較好。
1 dropperful three to six times daily preferably between meals.
Acute: 1 dropperful every 2 hours.
Serving Period: 10 to 20 days.

備註 Remarks: Not for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. 不適合孕婦服用。
A dropperful around 30 drops. 每抽約為30滴。

Depression, anxiety, insomnia, other mental & nervous system.
( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生)
Scullcap Herb美黄岑、Ginkgo Leaf銀杏、St. Johns Wort Herbs & Flower貫葉金絲桃、Gotu Kola Herb可拉樹、Astragalus Root北耆、Schisandra Berry五味子、Kelp海草、Siberian Ginseng Root西伯利亞人蔘、Chinese Shih Chich Ginseng東方人參、Prickly Ash Bark花椒。
西伯利亞人蔘能改善及平衡神經系統中非常重要的神經傳遞介質,於動物實驗中顯示西伯利亞人蔘有單胺氧化瓷抑制劑 (用來治療抑鬱及柏金遜症的西藥) 的作用,西伯利亞人蔘可改善抑鬱症病患者有清醒的頭腦。
Depression, anxiety, confusion, short- and long-term memory loss, alzheimer’s, dementia, & sleep disorders.
Scullcap has tonic, nervine, and antispasmodic action, relaxes the nervous system and muscles, and may help with hysteria, convulsions, hydrophobia, nervous headaches, neuralgia, asthma, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, pain, insomnia, relieving nervous tension and inducing sleep.
Ginkgo has become famous for increasing memory and has been used effectively with Alzheimer’s Disease patients. According to the American Medical Association, Ginkgo stops and even reverses symptoms of dementia. Ginko has also proven itself effective for depression and most all other emotional problems. Recent medical discoveries have proven that depression and many mental disorders are rooted in poor brain circulation. The cells of the brain are not nourished and their waste is not being removed, causing congestion, toxemia and poor brain function. Ginkgo is famous in its ability to increase blood and oxygen to the brain.
St. John's Wort is a medicinal herb that has been used for centuries to treat depression. Its use for depression has been supported by clinical studies in recent years. A study published in a recent issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) has raised doubt about the effectiveness of St. John's Wort. Millions of Americans take St. Johns Wort to help relieve stress, symptomatic anxiety and depression related emotional disturbances. In Europe, St. Johns Wort is prescribed twice as often as standard antidepressants to help relieve conditions such as: anxiety, depression, stress, nervousness, insomnia.
Gotu Kola is an herb commonly used in the Ayurvedic system of medicine traditionally as a nerve tonic to improve memory and clarity of thinking, for the therapy of anxiety and depression.
Schisandra Berry effectively treats depression, headache, dizziness, fatigue, visual problems and insomnia.
Siberian ginseng improves the balance of important neurotransmitters (including serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine) in the brain. In studies using laboratory animals, Siberian ginseng has been shown to act as an MAO inhibitor. In people with depression, the herb helps improve their sense of well-being.
1 dropperful three to six times daily preferably between meals.
Acute: 1 dropperful every 2 hours.
Serving Period: 10 to 20 days.
Not for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. 不適合孕婦服用。
A dropperful around 30 drops. 每抽約為30滴。

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