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健品園地 Health Supplement

按情況 By Condition > 抑鬱/神智系統失調 Depression/Mental Disorder

喜樂的心,乃是良藥;憂傷的靈,使骨枯乾。A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. 肝臟的功能跟情緒、睡眠有很大的關系,特別那些長期服用精神科藥物者,對肝臟會造成很大的傷害。 The function of liver has a very close relation with emotion and sleeping, liver may be damaged a lot if taken psychiatric drugs for a long period. See “5 Days Liver Cleansing Program” 參「五天肝/膽囊排毒程式」 虛弱的甲狀腺可引致各種不同程式的抑鬱問題,請先檢查。 When the thyroid is hypoactive, this can bring on all types of states of depression from mild to chronic. Please check it first. See Thyroid 參甲狀腺 See Endocrine System 參內分泌系統 一般抗抑鬱藥於長時間服用後,會引致肝臟受損、體內化學物質失去平衡,最後引致抑鬱憂慮及專注力失調/過度活躍症,正是本來想用這些藥物來幫助的問題,最後只是藥物上癮而沒有幫助。 The antidepressant drug, SSRI's, used over time, will damage the liver, imbalance body chemicals, and eventually cause depression anxiety and ADD, the very symptoms they were designed to counter, and finally only drug-addiction without effect.