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DGL by Planetary Formulas

200 Chewable Tablets 咀嚼片
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose: 消化道潰瘍、發炎及過敏。
Peptic ulcer, inflammation & allergy.

成份 Ingredients: 除甘草甜素的甘草Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice.

詳細內容 Descriptions: DGL需為咀嚼裝才能靠唾液去幫助充份吸收甘草中的天然化合物,除甘草甜素不含促使血壓上升的甘草化合物:甘草苦質酸,被除去後便可安全的服用。因甘草有抗發炎及抗過敏作用,當皮膚痕癢或發炎時,服用甘草可止痕。它可減輕腸道對食物的過敏反應,從而鎮靜皮膚問題。於一研究中,有90%的兒童於服用甘草後,溼疹的情況大為改善。
除甘草甜素能增加胃內和小腸內部的保護膜,提供抵抗胃酸的天然屏障,進而幫助防止後遺症的發生,亦能幫助對付幽門螺桿菌。深具權威的英國醫學期刊The Lancet上有篇研究及其他幾項臨床研究都指出,解甘草甜素治療十二指腸潰瘍的功效比許多常用的處方藥更好。而服用解甘草甜素的病人比服用別種藥物的人復原得更快,宿疾復發的機率也較低。而且解甘草甜素不像制酸劑成藥或處方藥一樣會引起不良副作用,如噁心、腹瀉或肝臟可能受損。更妙的是,它的價格比許多其他藥物低很多。
DGL must be chewed, because combining saliva with DGL's natural compounds promotes absorption and ensures optimum value. In deglycyrrhizinated licorice, the glycyrrhizin -a compound associated with high blood pressure-has been removed.
Due to its anti-inflammatory & anti-allergic properties, licorice can kill the itch when the skin is itchy or irritated It will help minimize any gut reactions that you may or may not be aware of, and that will help calm the skin. In one study, children who took licorice internally experienced a 90% reduction in eczema symptoms.
Licorice root protects the stomach and duodenum from ulcers by increasing the production of munin which protects the stomach and intestine lining against stomach acid. It also appears to help fight the H. pylori bacteria.
British medical journal The Lancet also reports DGL has demonstrated more significant efficacy in the treatment of duodenal ulcers than prescription drugs. In one study, patients who had suffered from severe duodenal ulcers showed significant improvement with DGL supplementation with less relapse. Moreover, DGL indicates no significant side effect such as vomit, diarrhea & liver’s damage as drugs and it costs much less than drugs.
DGL appears to confer significant protection against the gastric mucosal damage caused by aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Gastric bleeding induced by aspirin intake can also be reduced with DGL supplementation.

用法指引 Directions: 每次一粒,餐前服用。
Chew one tablet before meal.
Serving Period: 18 to 56 days.

備註 Remarks:

Peptic ulcer, inflammation & allergy.
除甘草甜素的甘草Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice.
除甘草甜素能增加胃內和小腸內部的保護膜,提供抵抗胃酸的天然屏障,進而幫助防止後遺症的發生,亦能幫助對付幽門螺桿菌。深具權威的英國醫學期刊The Lancet上有篇研究及其他幾項臨床研究都指出,解甘草甜素治療十二指腸潰瘍的功效比許多常用的處方藥更好。而服用解甘草甜素的病人比服用別種藥物的人復原得更快,宿疾復發的機率也較低。而且解甘草甜素不像制酸劑成藥或處方藥一樣會引起不良副作用,如噁心、腹瀉或肝臟可能受損。更妙的是,它的價格比許多其他藥物低很多。
DGL must be chewed, because combining saliva with DGL's natural compounds promotes absorption and ensures optimum value. In deglycyrrhizinated licorice, the glycyrrhizin -a compound associated with high blood pressure-has been removed.
Due to its anti-inflammatory & anti-allergic properties, licorice can kill the itch when the skin is itchy or irritated It will help minimize any gut reactions that you may or may not be aware of, and that will help calm the skin. In one study, children who took licorice internally experienced a 90% reduction in eczema symptoms.
Licorice root protects the stomach and duodenum from ulcers by increasing the production of munin which protects the stomach and intestine lining against stomach acid. It also appears to help fight the H. pylori bacteria.
British medical journal The Lancet also reports DGL has demonstrated more significant efficacy in the treatment of duodenal ulcers than prescription drugs. In one study, patients who had suffered from severe duodenal ulcers showed significant improvement with DGL supplementation with less relapse. Moreover, DGL indicates no significant side effect such as vomit, diarrhea & liver’s damage as drugs and it costs much less than drugs.
DGL appears to confer significant protection against the gastric mucosal damage caused by aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Gastric bleeding induced by aspirin intake can also be reduced with DGL supplementation.
Chew one tablet before meal.
Serving Period: 18 to 56 days.

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