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健品園地 Health Supplement

按情況 By Condition > 消化性潰瘍 Peptic Ulcers

消化性潰瘍是因為胃部和十二指腸的保護膜受到損傷而形成的,跟一般想法相反,過多的胃液並不是導致潰瘍的主因,幽門螺桿菌、藥物 ( 特別是阿司匹靈和非類固醇類抗炎藥 )、酒精、營養不良和壓力等都是導致潰瘍的主要因素,其中幽門螺桿菌和藥物更加是首要原因。 研究顯示約90%至100%的十二指腸潰瘍和70%的胃潰瘍都對細菌:幽門螺桿菌呈現陽性反應。 蘆薈、西芹、西柚和椰菜汁等都有促進潰瘍復原的作用。 Peptic ulcers are caused by damage to the protective lining on the inner surface of stomach and duodenum. Contrary to popular opinion, over-secretion of gastric acid output is rarely a factor in the development of gastric ulcers. H. pylori, drugs ( Aspirin & NSAIDs), alcohol, nutrients deficiency, stress are common factors to cause ulcers. Among them H. pylori and drugs are by far the most significant. It has been shown that 90% to 100% of patients with duodenal ulcers and 70% with gastric ulcers test positive for the bacterium H. pylori. Aloe Vera, celery, grapefruit and cabbage juices promote healing of ulcers. See Antibiotic ( Natural ) 參天然抗生素 See Anxiety/Panic/Stress 參憂慮/驚恐/壓力 See Headache/Pain 參頭痛/痛楚